Make It Date Night

Order all your date night needs on DoorDash.
Browse from drinks, snacks, and more.
Quality you can count on.
Add them to your cart and let the items come to you.
DoorDash, Cupid's 24/7 Sidekick.
Items delivered to your door with the click of a button.How long does a delivery take?
You'll receive your order with 2 hours. Prefer to plan ahead? Schedule your order for a specific time.
What happens if an item is out of stock, unavailable or a different price?
If any items are out of stock, your shopper will contact you while shopping to pick a substitute. If your substitute is also unavailable or you do not choose one, you will receive a refund for the item(s) not in stock.
What payment methods are accepted?
You can pay with credit card, Apple Pay, PayPal, Venmo and EBT card (SNAP/EBT is only available at select stores).